We made it home from our cruise! We had a wonderful time, had perfect weather, ate WAY TOO MUCH food and got nice tans. I definitely think 7 days away was too long. I think my limit for being away from Bailey is about 4 days. One thing that made it hard was not being able to call each day. Also, he got sick while we were gone. He got the bad cold that's been going around. The very congested cough, stuffy nose, runny nose, etc. He is on the mend, thank goodness.
While we were gone Bailey got accustomed to some things he is not allowed often at home....watching t.v., drinking coke, & sleeping with the adults. It has been major baby boot camp around here the past 5 days. That being said, I'm sure you can imagine all of the temper tantrums that have gone on. Now, I know he is not feeling his best, but Jay & I firmly believe being sick is no excuse for bad behavior! Today, Bailey did not get his way & threw a pudding cup across the living room, hitting the wall. He was promptly rewarded with a spanking. After his spanking he marched to the wall & stood facing it crying for 5 minutes. He thinks we can't see him if he faces the wall.
He has been very ugly to Jay this week. He doesn't want Jay even looking at him. When Jay comes near him he quickly turns & faces the nearest wall, stands there crying "no"
Right now, he is in his bed where he has been crying for 51 minutes. This has become our new routine. I am very ready for things to go back to normal! He wins, he has punished me for leaving him!
There have also been some posititve things this week. We are back to working on our letters (he is up to 14) and today for the first time he showed some interest in colors. Today we learned red, green, yellow, blue, & orange. I was very impressed with this new found knowledge. Also, he can count to 3 (my sister has heard him count to 4, but I have not, yet). He is learning new words every day & makes a real effort to try new ones.
...okay, we are up to 58 minutes of crying.....
Even though this has been a very tiring, trying and frustrating week, we are so glad to be home!