Today Bailey is 22 months old. It's hard to believe he will turn 2 in just a few weeks!
A funny thing happened yesterday that I had to post about. Bailey hit Jay in the face, so he had to go to time out until he was ready to tell Daddy "sorry". So, he sat in time out, screaming at the top of his lungs....after about 1 minute I asked him if he was ready to tell Daddy "sorry". He gets up, walks right up to Jay, looks at him...then, promptly turns around & goes back to sit in time out. Talk about stubborn!!! I'll admit, we were tempted to laugh, but stuck to our guns. Even though we were due at our neighbor's house for dinner, we made Bailey stay in time out until he was ready to apologize. Usually, Bailey is quick to say "sorry", but last night he wanted nothing to do with it. I think he was in time out nearly 5 minutes before he decided he was tired of being there.
I shared this story with the nursery workers at our church this morning & they were shocked. They said Bailey is so laid back & never would have characterized him as strong willed. I am thrilled he is so well behaved at church, but would love for that to overlap into our home life.
I got a new camera over the weekend. My cousin, Dallas got this camera recently

& loves it. My sister-in-law got the same camera after reading about it on Dallas' blog. So, we got it too. I am loving it! We were really starting to miss some great photo opportunities because of the delay on our camera & "hey, Bailey, do that again" wasn't really working. He is so active & I really want to capture all of that.

.We have converted Bailey's crib to the toddler bed. The first week went well, come to find out he was using the time to plan his escape. It sarted with naptime today. He pushed on his bed protecter thing so hard that it, Bailey & half of his mattress ended up onthe floor. It scared him bad enough that I was pretty sure he wouldn't try that again. I was right. He soon decided he needed a new plan. He has somehow managed to sqeeze himself through the 6 inch space between the headboard and the protector. And boy, is he quick! One one hand, it could be a good thing, he can learn to stay in his bed & that will help later on. That being said, I am open to suggestions on how to keep him in his bed.
The good thing, is that his changing table has been converted to a dresser, so there is more room for cute stuff:)