This week, my cousin, Dallas & her family were in town. Bailey got to play with his cousin, Nora, who is just 3 months older than he is. They had a great time together. Even though they don't get to see each other often, when they do, they pick right up where they left off.
Monday we took the kids to the zoo. It was hot, but we packed a picnic lunch & the whole family came for the fun. The kids had a blast watching the animals. Dallas got some great pictures of Bailey & Nora, but I forgot my camera. She is going to email them to me, so maybe I can upload them later.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, my Aunt (Dallas' mom) invited us to her country club for fun filled days of swimming, lunch & lots of ice cream. Let me tell you, that is the life! Both Bailey & Nora had swim lessons this week. The first day they did great! They were jumping off the edge of the pool & going under the water! We were so impressed! Today; however, they both cried for most of their lesson. Oh, well. Maybe they will progress as the summer goes on.

We were sad to see them leave today, but look forward to August when we will all be meeting in Florida. 19 of my family members will be going for a week & all staying together under one roof (a very large roof). It will be a great week!
Well, we have moved Bailey into his full sized bed. So far, he seems to love it. He really likes laying on his pillows & snuggling up under the covers. Not to mention, all of the stuffed animals you can fit in that great big bed! He loves being able to easily get in & out of his bed. And he loves showing his new bed off. Whenever someone new comes over he takes them into his room & shows them how to get on & off his bed.

This summer Bailey is taking music class & gymnastics class. Both classes have met once so far, & I think he is going to enjoy it. If it goes well, I might try to continue at least one of them throughout the school year. In July he will take swimming lessons again, so I hope to have him in the water frequently between now & then so that he can get comfortable with the water. If the past week is any indication of how our summer will be, then we are off to a great start!