Well, I am pretty sure no one reads this blog anymore since I have gotten so bad at updating. I have gotten worse at taking pictures too. At least if I keep up the blogging, I will have a record of what the kids are doing at each stage.
Tonight, Bailey was in our room watching a TV show and Jay and I were watching the Rangers. Bailey didn't realize that Blake had woken up and was out of bed. Bailey came into the living room and said "Mommy, Daddy, actually, there's a baby on the loose" We started cracking up! Bailey has also become quite the negotiator! If I get on to him for trying to discipline Blake, his answer is always the same. "Mommy, I'm just trying to learn how to be a daddy." His teacher tells me he's highly intelligent. And she should know, she was a public school teacher and after that was a school librarian for 20 years. So, I guess it's true, he's a genius:)
He really loves school this year and is learning so much. So far, they have learned the pledge of allegiance, the Texas pledge, all about senses, Christopher Columbus, about Authors, Illustrators, Titles, front covers & back covers of books. They have even learned not to 'dog ear' the page, but to use a book mark. He even looks forward to his weekly homework. I hope he always likes school this much!
Blake is doing well too, but I think he may be a carjacker when he gets older. Any time we walk by a parked car he tries to open the door. He will walk right up to it and pull on the handle. He is also still Mr. Independent. He is the only one at gymnastics that doesn't want his mommy's help during circle time. So, I am the only mommy in the circle doing the songs and motions without a kid on her lap! Blake and I just sit side by side. But, he is very happy that way and I enjoy seeing him having fun doing it by himself.
He is starting to talk a little more. His newest word is shoe. He says, ball, more, bubble, no, uh oh and I am sure there are more I can't think of right now. He is going to start attending school twice a week instead of his current one day. Starting next week, he will add Tuesdays to his school week. The reason for this is I was offered the job of music teacher at their school. They wanted someone with a music and education background and they thought of me. I think it will be a fun experience. I will teach on Thursdays, so I would be losing my one day to myself which is why Blake will start adding Tuesdays. I was just not willing to give up my day. It's my most productive day of the week!
We have so many Halloween activities to attend (we've already had two), so I will post pictures once they are all done with.
Happy Halloween!