Well, it's been a fun and busy few months around here! The kids are staying busy with school and are loving every minute of it! They really keep me on my toes.

Bailey is such a little man. His teachers tell me he will be on the debate team one day. He has a logical reason for everything he does-good or bad. Blake is my high spirited child. He is very strong willed which I know will serve him well one day.He has been working a little on expanding his vocabulary. He says shoe, hat, back, backpack, no, yes, mamma, dadda. I am sure there are others I can't think of right now. He seems shy about trying to say new words so we are trying to build his confidence in this area. Poor kid doesn't get much of a vocal chance living in the same house as Bailey. I weighed the boys the other day and Bailey was 32.5 lbs and Blake was 27.5 lbs! Blake loves sports and we see it more each day. The boys love, love, love to play together! They are the best of friends and the worst of enemies:)

Last month, my sister had her twin girls. They are very sweet and adorable! I feel very fortunate to spend so much time with them. Jill and the girls even had a sleep over one night while the guys were hunting. It's been a while since I have had to do midnight feedings, but I was happy to be able to help out!

When my sister goes back to work in a few weeks I will start keeping the girls one day each week. I am sure it will be challenging with four kids here, but I am excited to spend time with the girls and for the boys to spend time with them. Bailey is CRAZY about them! Blake is still thinking about it.

Our Christmas was a little different this year. Half of my mom's side of the family started throwing up Christmas Eve night, so plans were up in the air. In the end, we ended up postpoing Christmas with them until this weekend. We still wanted to see the twins on Christmas, so we went over to Jill and Jarod's house with my mom, Mark and Grandmother. Thankfully, Jarod's parents and sister were in town at their Weatherford house and had made a huge feast. They were gracious enough to bring it over and share. It ended up being a great evening. It was also Jay's 31st birthday. I think he had a great day and best of all, the four of us were together! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and have a fun, safe New Year's

2010 has been a great year and I can't wait to see what 2011 brings!