So far, January has been a good month for us here at the Newton house. We are staying as busy as ever!
Two weeks ago, my sister went back to work teaching to finish out the school year. A wonderful group of friends and family will be watching her twin girls through May. I am lucky enough to have Wednesdays as my day with the twins. Today was my second day to keep them. They are such little angels! This morning, they were dropped off right before 7:00am...then things turned into high gear as they usually do around here. I had to feed both girls, feed both boys, get the boys dressed and Bailey's lunch made, drop him off at school and then head back to the house.

We pick Bailey up from school at 2:00 and then the best part of the day...playing on the playground at school for 2.5 hours. A few of my friends and their kids always stay, so the boys have plenty of playmates. I lay the girls out on a blanket and they soak up the sun for a few hours. They love it! Once we get home (around 4:45) they both get a bath and get ready for their daddy to pick them up. I like to think the girls have fun here:)
Bailey and Blake are doing great! Bailey is reading! He is sounding out words and reading books. He even read a book to his class for show and tell this week. I am so proud of him! Blake is learning new words every day. I am proud of him for getting the confidence to attempt new words.
Last weekend

, some dear friends of ours from Jay's (& Chris') law school days came to visit. They have two boys who are almost the exact age as Bailey and Blake. The kids (and adults) had a great time together. It had been two years since we had gotten together and after a wonderful weekend and a vow to never let it be that long again, we have a Sea World trip in the works for this summer. We always have so much fun together. We took the kids to the museum, went out to eat and played Yatzee. In law school a group of 6-8 of us used to have game nights and potlucks all the time. Sometimes I miss those days!