Okay, I know it has been a long time since I have updated our blog. Our computer is sick with a virus and we haven't taken it in yet (I am using Jay's work computer and will have to upload pictures later).
I am sitting at the airport in Corpus and for those of you who have never been here, it is awful! There is one magazine stand and one little sandwhich shop. Needless to say, like good passengers we arrived 2 1/2 hours early. What a mistake! But, to the good part of our vacation...
Jay had 3 depositons over the past two days in Corpus, so he brought us along (because he flies so much for work, he had earned a free flight, which I got to use). Bailey was terrific on the flights. It can be very stressful to fly with an infant..my cousin Dallas can sympathize.
Surprisingly, each deposition only lasted 1 hour, so we had a lot of fun family time! Yesterday we went to the hotel pool (we got to stay at a very nice hotel because that was where the depos. were at) and went to lunch at a local place called Waterstreet. After Jay's afternoon depo. we drove our rental car to Port Aransas and took Bailey to the beach. He really liked the water. We only stayed 1 hour because we thought that was enough sun for Bailey (of course, only a small part of that hour was spent in the water. By the time we laid out the towels, put on Bailey's swimsuit and lathered him with sunscreen, etc. it had been 30 minutes. Oh, did I mention he needed to eat as soon as we got all settled :) ). Then we ate at the Crazy Cajun..they dump the food right on the table! cab legs, shrimp. corn and potatoes. It was great! We were all 3 exhausted by the time we got back to corpus, but had a great time. We took some pictures that I will upload at some point.
Since it has been so long since I have updated, I am sure there is more to write, but I can barely remember yesterday (hazard of being a new mom). Have a great Friday!