Nine days ago Bailey began sleeping in his room. When I came home from my night out with the girls Jay had made the decision that Bailey would begin sleeping in his room that night. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with this last minute decision...I didn't even have time to prepare myself. However, it went really well, better than I had expected. Of course, the first night, I just laid in bed listening to the monitor, hearing his every movement and wanting to bring him back into our room (where his pack-n-play was anxiously awaiting)...but, I did not. I made it through the entire night. Bailey actually slept until 6:30 am! The longest he had ever made it. Now Bailey sleeps until 6:30 or 7:00 each morning, Jay and I play with him in our bed for 15 minutes. Then, while Jay gets ready for work, Bailey eats and then the two of us go back to sleep for about an hour. It's a nice routine. Of course, now that he is sleeping so much at night it has cut down on his daily naps, occasionally making it harder to get things done during the day, but we are adjusting.
I still can't believe how fast he is growing. It almost feels like the past 3 months are a blur. I am trying to hang on to each second with him. He is holding his head up for longer now. He has also started to enjoy the Baby Einstein videos. He is mezmerized by all of the sounds, movements and colors. Another favorite of his is going on walks. He loves being in his jogging stroller and watching the world go round.
Tomorrow night Bailey is being officially babysat for the first time. By that, I mean the first time someone other than family has kept him. Our friends who live across the street will be keeping him for a few hours and they are very excited (they are our age and have a 7 year old, so we feel very comfortable). They love Bailey and I know they will have a great time.
1 comment:
What a sweet post! I can't believe how fast he is growing. I'm glad he is in his bed now. Although, if he does wake up at night, now your walk is longer :). We're about to do "baby bootcamp" with Nora. She has been waking up way too much during the night lately. I don't want that to become her routine, so she is going to have to cry it out. I'll let you know how it goes (and if I survive!). Love you!
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