Yup, that's right, Hickery Dickery Dock. Bailey and I have joined a music class! When I tell people this, I get strange looks. I know Bailey is only 9 months, but music is important and fun. Even at such a young age (I have a degree in Human Development, so don't argue with me)! There is this class at our church for mommy's (or daddy's) and babies. It meets once a week and we have so much fun! We clap our hands, dance around, ring jingle bells, sing and tons of other cool things. Bailey really likes it and is very mesmerized by everything going on around him during the class. The other week when the jingle bell bucket went around, Bailey reached in and grabbed one and started shaking it! He is SO smart (and I'm not just saying that because I am his mother:))!
He is slowing starting to eat less baby food and more table food. Still no meat, but everything else. He loves chewing (or gumming) food! He has two bottom teeth, two top teeth and two more about to break through on top. He is still cruising around furniture like crazy and I am hoping he will take his time in the walking department.
Today, Bailey's second cousin, Nora turned one! AND, my mother's birthday is today too. Almost one week ago our good friends from college, LeeAnn and Rhett had their first child. A daughter named Riley! New babies are so exciting! Congratulations Newberry Family!