I feel like I say this a lot, but I am constantly amazed by how much Bailey is learning every day! His newest acheivment is counting to 10. It is so cute. He has also been working on his shapes. He knows circle & oval really well & can recognize square & triangle, but can't pronounce them.
We are definitely into the "terrible two's". Even though officially, he has 3 months to go, we are seeing very clear signs! He loves to throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. All he wants to eat are cheetos, fruit loops & cupcakes. I can not tell you how many nights he has gone to bed without dinner because he could not have these items. Time out is what we are using as our main type of punishment. It seems to work well. He has a "time out" spot & will actually sit there until he stops crying or is ready to comply with our request.
Here are some cute pictures that I took of Bailey.

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