Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day & Bailey's Birthday

This was my 3rd mother's day & it was the best one yet. This year Bailey's birthday fell on mother's day & I can't think of a better mother's day gift than my son's birthday! I can't believe Bailey is 2! The time has just flown by so quickly!

The day before we had Bailey's birthday party. It was a hot day, but breezy, so it wasn't too bad. The kids had fun playing at the park & eating cake. Bailey got some great gifts, including a little car, a tricycle, a picnic table & a swingset! They are all big hits, but Bailey could swing & ride his "I-iycle" all day long!

Yesterday we had Bailey's 2 year check up & everything looks great. The doctor even said it is time to begin potty training (I was actually thinking about waiting 6 months before we started... oh, well), so I guess I'd better start reading up on how to potty train. We don't even have a potty chair. I have heard that boys are harder to train than girls, so it should be fun. However, considering I recently purchased a large box of diapers from Sam's, I intend to get my money's worth & wait until we use all of the diapers.

Here is a short list of Bailey's accomplishments at 2 years of age:

-can count to 14

-knows all 26 letters

-can spell his name (I will ask him which letter comes first, what's next, etc. & he knows!)

-knows all primary colors

-knows the following shapes: triangle, circle, oval, square

-talks in very short sentences (mommy, come here. no bed. no mommy)

-has FINALLY, after a year of rejection started eating meat again. Yay! A major accomplishment!


Dallas said...

Happy Birthday Bailey! I can't believe he is two. It sounds like the party was great fun, I wish we could have been there. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day!

Courtney said...

Oh my goodness! He's so big!! What a sweet, smart boy you guys have. We miss you guys!