I have a husband that loves me, 2 amazing little boys, a supportive family, the most generous friends you could ask for and a church that truly cares about my family.
Honestly, does it get any better than this? I have been blessed so much more than I ever could have imagined. God is good! Sometimes I think about my life and I can't believe how great it is, how fortunate we are and how much I love being a mother and wife. I have found my purpose in life.
That's not to say that Bailey doesn't drive me nuts sometimes, but I enjoy trying to teach him how to use his listening ears and good manners, even when I want to beat my head against the wall because he is more stubborn than a mule.
He is a great kid! He has such a tenderheart. And he really loves his brother (regardless of what he might tell you when you ask him). It has been such a joy to watch the two of them together. My cousin Dallas, told me when I was pregnant, that that would be one of the best parts of having two kids. She was right! Bailey is always asking to hold Blake (then a few minutes later says "I want him off of me"), he loves to give him kisses. The other day Blake was in his crib listening to his mobile and I saw something on the video monitor. Bailey had brought his stool up to the crib, was standing on it, reaching into the crib, holding Blake's hand and singing Rock A Bye Baby. It was so sweet. The other day Bailey told Blake, "I love you Blake and God loves you too" Those are the moments I live for. It's a perfect life!

Love the picture of you and the boys, so cute!
Such a sweet post! You do have a great life!!!!! I laughed at the last pic. Glad to see Mickey made it in there :).
I love it, Julie. Such sweet comments. Blake and Bailey are precious.
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