I can't believe it's been nearly 1 month since I have last blogged. A lot has happend & I will try to catch you up.

On Sunday Blake started smiling. It is so cute to see him smile. When Bailey saw him smile for the first time he said "Blake's smiling. He's a big boy now". That was a great start to a great Easter. We went over to the Newton's that afternoon & watched the kids play & hunt easter eggs. Bailey really "got it" this year. He knew exactly what to do-he had already had a hunt at school & one easter morning at home, so he was an old pro by the afternoon.
You know that saying "kids say the darndest things"? That describes Bailey perfectly! Let me start this story by saying that when Bailey gets in trouble he calls it grouching (mommy grouched at me). So, yesterday, Bailey & I were planting flowers and I had jsut planted a white one & Bailey yanked it right out of the flower bed. I said "Bailey! Don't do that" Well, of course, for the next hour he repeats "I pulled the white flower & mommy grouched at me" Then he decides to add "& mommy said she didn't love me" Now, where he got that I have no idea! I have NEVER told him that. He continued to insist that I had said that. What's a mommy to do? Later, when he got tired of helping me plant flowers he threw up his hands & said "I quit!"

Then there is Blake, my laid back child (for now anyway). He is doing great. He sleeps pretty well at night & usually only wakes up twice. Any of you other mom's out there with newborns feel like you spend your days breastfeading in the car? On Tuesdays & Thursdays Bailey is at school so Blake & I run a lot of errands. Who has time to go home and nurse every time he's hungry? I have pulled into countless numbers of parking lots to feed him. Whatever works, right? I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
SUPER CUTE!!!!! Blake is looking more like Bailey every time I see him.
Oh girl, I have nursed in the craziest places...bathroom stalls being the nastiest. Your boys are precious! i can't wait to see them again...on June 1st.
You are SO not alone. I spend quite a lot of time nursing Logan in the car too!
I love the matching outfits on the boys - at least they look like they are matching.
That is funny about Bailey. Yes, kids sure say the craziest things!
Thanks for updating and hopefully I will be soon too. :)
I definately remember nursing in many a parking lot and parking garages. You are totally not alone. I actually am gald you said that because I thought I was the only crazy parent that did that.
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