Last weekend, Jay rode his bike in the Weatherford Peach Pedal. This was a goal Jay had and he encouraged Eric Nelson (the other guy that was in the accident with Jay) to do it with him. So, Jay, Eric, his wife, Colleen, our neighbor, Miah and my mom's fiance, Mark all did the ride. I was so proud of Jay & Eric. They did great! We were able to spend a good part of the weekend with Eric & Colleen and really had a good time visiting with them. It seems like we have known them longer than 8 months! And even though they are several years older than us (Colleen is 35 and Eric turns 40 in January), you would never know it. We just enjoy hanging out together.
So, over the weekend, Jay, Eric & Colleen convince me that I too need a road bike. I have to admit, I was jealous that the 3 of them got to do something fun together & I had to sit out. Well, no more! Jay bought me a road bike on Sunday. I will try & post a picture of it sometime. We have a few training rides scheduled already! Jay & Eric really want us all to do the Hotter n' Hell bike ride. Last year Jay did the 100 mile ride! He won't be up to that this year, but the guys would like us all to try & do the 50 mile ride. I know Jay will be able to do it, but I am not sure about myself. I am no stranger to working out, but have never done a bike race. Jay is going to be my trainer. As my running partner for the past 5+ years, he has always been a great motivator, so I am sure he will be the same on the bike.

The kids are keeping me very busy this summer! Bailey has been swimming quite a bit and swim lessons start next week. He is in a phonics class & soccer starts Friday. He is also in a My Gym class each week. He loves it! He has done the zip line, high bar, balance beam & trapeze

Blake is changing every day! He is still primarily breastfead, but is also eating rice cereal, baby oatmeal and sometimes I mix some baby food into the rice cereal. This kid LOVES to eat. He hasn't had his 4 month check-up yet (even though he is almost 5 months) because his doctor has been out of town, but my guess is that he weighs around 16lbs!!! He has been trying really hard to crawl! It may be a while before it happens, but he will lay on his tummy & pull his knees up under him then push off with his feet, propelling himself forwards. He can certainly get around that way! I lay him on his blanket with toys & turn my head & he's gone
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