Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When little brother sleeps....

I try to structure the kids naps so that I get some alone time with each of them. Bailey and I usually play in his room or sword fight. Today, we decided to do something different. We got out our leftover ice cream and filled our containers with hot fudge, caramel and whipped cream, sat on the floor and ate! It was fun!! It was a special treat and I am sure I will pay for it on the scale:)

Bailey is doing great! He still loves being a big brother and loves being around Blake as much as he can. He is very protective of him. Bailey starts Day School on September 8th and he is already talking about being ready to go to school. Next week he will get to meet his teacher.

Blake will be going to school one day a week. I have mixed feelings about it, but I registered him before he was born. I think he will have a great time because he is such a people watcher. He is sitting up by himself for short periods of time and still loves to eat! I honestly cannot think of anything that he has tried and hasn't liked. He wants to eat everything anyone else has. I think once he gets teeth the sky's the limit for this kid! I am ready for the kids to start school because I know they will have so much fun, but I have really enjoyed having them to myself every day for the past 3 months! We have decided to keep Bailey in his my gym class during the school year because he loves it so much. I am planning to take my camera to class this week so I will post some pictures of him there.

Jay and I, along with Eric and Colleen are riding in the Hotter n' Hell this Saturday. We are signed up to ride the 50 mile, but apparantly (based on an email forward I recieved this morning) we are now going to attempt the 62 mile. Yikes! I hope I can do it! Jay has done the 100 mile before and Eric and Colleen are both fitness machines. Let's hope I can keep up with them! I will let you know how it goes....

1 comment:

Theresa, Chris, Aidan and Logan said...

Wow! I am jealous. I have to wait to put Logan in until next summer!! It will still be fine though.
Good luck on the bike ride. I am so impressed with you. 1 1/2 weeks and I will be able to start using the child care at the gym for Logan! YEAH!!!