This weekend two of our closest friends, Chris & Theresa came to visit, along with their 3 month old son, Aidan. We had such a great time! We took the boys to the pumpkin patch and got a lot of cute pictures (check out our kodak gallery for all of the pics). As you can see from the picture, Bailey was more interested in licking the pumpkins than anything else. It was great to see them and to meet their little boy. They had only gotten to see Bailey one time before, so we had fun playing with the babies. Bailey was very interested in Aidan, grabbing for him, talking to him, etc. Aidan, being a few months younger, was not as interested in Bailey. He did enjoy watching him though.
A few weeks ago I wrote that Bailey had learned to roll over onto his tummy. Well, now he can roll over from his tummy to his back. He won't do it every time, but he can when he wants to. Also, we have set up his exersaucer and he really loves it. We have also set up his high chair which he really likes. He has slowly begun to tolerate some baby food. His favorite is bananas.
I will write more next weeks with pictures of Bailey in his Halloween costume!
I love the pics! We had such a great time this past weekend. Thank you for letting us stay. It made us miss the good old days in Lubbock when we could hang out as often as we wanted. We'll keep in touch to plan the next trip. Can't wait til then!
What a cutie! I'm so glad he is enjoying his solid foods. Are you making any of them? Love you!
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