Well, Bailey had his first Halloween and he was a pumpkin. We did not take him trick-or-treating, but did dress him up and passed out candy. We got a lot of oohs and aahs. As expected :)
Bailey will be six months in a few days. He is eating baby food like a champ! The desert ones are his favorite! He also likes rice cereal mixed with fruit. He is working hard on sitting up. When he is propped up in front of his boppy he can sit up and play for about 5 minutes.
I think Bailey is teething. Of course, I have a lack of experience in this area, but I have been reading my parenting book and he seems to fit the symptoms. He is a very happy baby...as many of you know first hand. However, the past two days he has just laid around whining (and he IS NOT a whiner). He has had little interest in playing. He just wants to whimper. It is very sad. I have been trying many tricks (teething tablets, biting on a frozen washcloth, drinking ice water). These have helped some, but if anyone has any more suggestions, I am all ears.
No suggestions on teething...sorry. You are doing everything I would do. Nora has TWO teeth already. They are so cute when she smiles or laughs (or cries). My ped. told me that I could give her some infant tylenol is she got too upset about them. So, maybe you could try that. He was a cute pumpkin! I can't wait to see him again!
Bailey looks so cute in his costume!! What great pics. You need to frame a few of those.
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