I can't believe it, Bailey is 7 months old toay! I know I have said it a million times, but, TIME FLIES! He is doing so many new things! Here is a list:
- the beginings of a tooth is visible (barely)
- he can eat small pieces of table food
- he is sitting up unassisted and barely ever falls over
- he is starting to try and pull up
- he gets up on his hand and knees and rocks back and forth...crawling is just around the corner
We had family pictures taken over then weekend and they went great! As you can see from the above picture, Bailey is so easy to please and was such a ham for the camera! I will upload more later, but these are Chrsitmas gifts, so I don't want anyone to see the picture they are getting.
Our computer is on the fritz...again! It is constantly freezing up on me! Getting the hard drive repaced did not fix all of the problems, apparantly. Luckily, my dad is getting us a new one for Christmas. It is a much needed and much appreciated gift!
Hope everyone is enjoying the days leading up to Christmas. I know we are. We just love going to the malls on the weekends and push Bailey around in his stroller. It is one of his favorite things to do and it is so fun to watch him enjoy himself so much!
I can't believe it either! What a great picture of Bailey. Miss you guys. Glad things are going well.
Wow! I don't think I've seen pics of your little guy before I found this site...what a cutie. :) It's amazing how fast they grow!
I cannot believe he is 7 months old...before you know it, he will be 7 years old! I can't wait to see him during Christmas...if your mom will let him go for a second :).
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