Last Friday, Bailey had his tonsils and adenoids out. The surgery went well and Bailey has been busy recovering.
He was so brave the day of his surgery and only got teary eyed right before they wheeled him back. We got to the hospital at 8:30am and he was very excited to check in and get his ID bracelet. He got to wear his pj's and bring a blanket and stuffed animal to keep with him during surgery. Once we were checked in, they took us upstairs where he had his blood pressure, temperature and oxygen levels checked. After that a nurse came to talk with us and the child life specialist came and visited with Bailey and brought him some legos. We then had a visit with the anesthesiologist who explained the sedation and breathing tube procedures. We then spent over 2 hours in the playroom. They were running late because of the weather. The playroom was fun, but by this time it is noon and Bailey is starving. Once they get us into a room they bring Bailey the "giggle juice." This helps them feel relaxed so they aren't anxious about leaving their parents. This is when Bailey started crying. He was upset for only 5 minutes or so, just until the medicine kicked in.
After the surgery, we were taken to recovery where Bailey was eating popcicles and charming the nurses...no surprise there! Let me say that Cooks Children's is AMAZING! They make it a priority to make sure the kids feel safe and not scared. They are great to the parent's too! On our way home, he fell asleep and was basically in a coma until 7 the next morning. Saturday, he did amazingly well and even ate a little. Starting Sunday though, he stopped eating and is still eating very little. Maybe a few bites of macaroni for the entire day. We are keeping him full of fluids though. Apparantly, it is a full 7 day recovery, so we will see how that goes.
Some friends of ours said something really sweet about Bailey the other day and I had to share (isn't it a mom's job to brag:) ). They were over for the superbowl with their 4 kids (4 year old triplets and a 2 year old) and I was complaining about how grumpy Bailey had been that day. They said Bailey is the kind of kid everyone wishes their kid was like. I thought that was so nice, and it made me very proud of Bailey. Now, let me just say that their kids are wonderful kids! My kids are crazy about them! How they get 4 kids to behave so well is beyond me!
While Bailey was drugged up on pain meds, Blake got some much needed one on one time with Mommy and Daddy. Rarely, if ever, does he get both of our full attention at the same time. Needless to say, he loved it! Blake will be turning two in just a few short weeks! It's hard to believe! It has gone by too quickly! He is my headstrong, amazingly athletic little boy with the cutest smile and we are so lucky to have him!
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