Sunday, November 02, 2008

Car Accident

Jay is still in the hospital, but is making progress. He has had 2 physical therapy sessions and will have 2 more today. He even took a few steps using a walker and help from the therapists. He is still in a lot of pain, but it seems bearable now. We still don't know when he will be released. I heard a murmer of Thursday, but they seem reluctant to look past today. It all depends on how his therapy goes. To be honest, Jay is not sure when he will feel ready to go home. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Today, Jay ran a half marathon in Dallas. As he and a large group of others were crossing the street, at the crosswalk, with the walk sign flashing, he and 2 other people were hit by a car. Jay was thrown 15 yards and broke both legs. He also has many staple, stitches, cuts and scrapes. He has surgery earlier today to put a steel rod in his right let where 2 bones were broken. His left leg only had one broken bone.
Jay is in a lot of pain and has a slow recovery ahead of him. We are so grateful that he is otherwise okay. As his doctor told me, today was not his day to die. Praise the Lord for that!
We have no idea how long Jay will be here. Right now his legs are wrapped in a fabric wrap and we have not been told if they will put a hard cast on his legs. I will try and update on his status as often as I can.


Melissa said...

Good thing he's in good shape, cause he'll probably have a good fast recovery! I will be thinking of you guys.

Me said...

Oh my gosh! This is when blogging comes in so handy... we would have never known about this. You guys are definitely in our thoughts and prayers!

Paula said...

I just got the crossroads update regarding this and had to check the blog. Jay and the rest of you are in my prayers!