Well, the time has come. Now that Bailey is 3 we are about to sart potty training. Thursday is Bailey's last day of school & we don't have a lot going on the two weeks following, so we are going to buckle down & do it. I have talked to several mommy friends of mine who have potty trained boys & gotten a lot of advice. I have pretty much heard the same things from each of the moms. Cold turkey seems to be the way to go. Including bedtime. I have purchased a lot of underwear & am going to get a sheet protector for Bailey to sleep on. I have been told not to get upset or punish him when he has an accident. I've also been told that if we need to leave the house during potty training then I should put him in underwear & put a pull up on over that so that he can still feel that he is wet, but that it won't be a big mess. This way, I can still go to the gym & the grocery store. My mom friends have told me this will most likely be a 2 week process. I am open to as many suggestions & as much advice as I can get, so feel free to give me your opinion. I will update next week & let you know how things are going.

Bailey had a great birthday & received lots of wonderful presents that he is having a blast with! Blake is 3 months old now (or will be on Wednesday), so he can go to the gym. I was able to go both Saturday & today & look forward to being back in my regular routine of Monday thru Saturday. Even though I have lost all of my weight & am back into all of my clothes, all of you moms out there know that things still don't hang right at this point. I wish I had more time before swimsuit season, but I guess I will just have to work hard the next month & hope for the best. Blake is doing great! He weighs 13 lbs 6oz & is 24 inches long. He is very laid back & is smiling & "talking" all of the time! He is a great nurser too. Totally different from Bailey. I was only able to breastfead Bailey for 3 months. I hope to breastfead Blake for 6 months. At this point I am playing it by ear & will nurse him as long as it seems like the best option for the both of us. He has been drooling a lot, so he will probably start teething in the next month or so & I am not sure what it's like to breastfeed a child with teeth!

So now, we are gearing up for summer. Bailey has VBS (which I am volunteering at), he is signed up for soccer, a phonics class & 2 sets of swim lessons. I am also going to enroll him in a my gym class. My mom's group will meet twice a month, the movie theaters show free kids movies on Wednesdays, there is a spray park nearby & apparantly, Granbury has a man-made beach. Bailey got a trampoline for his birthday so we will have lots of friends over to play on it. We plan to be very busy this summer. Little boys who are busy & play hard...nap hard!!!

This is our Mother's Day picture. I had a great time with my boys. They sent me flowers & got me a digital picture keychain that holds 40 pictures. Now I will always have pictures of the kids whenever someone asks to see them.
good luck with potty training! i used "potty training in less than a day" with nora and it really worked for us. it went along with my parenting style and nora responded to it well. also, i ALWAYS carry the potty in the car, just in case she has to go. we stayed close to home for the first two days and then ventured out. i have also heard (although we never did but it seems like a wonderful idea) that if you don't want to do pull-ups at all (which we didn't), when you go out, line his carseat with a trashbag and then put a towel on top of that. that way, if he has an accident, the towel and trashbag should protect the carseat so you are not always having to wash the cover. and CONSTANTLY ask him if his underwear are dry and if he has to tee-tee (or whatever you say). by you constantly saying that, he will understand it's a big deal. good luck! we'll see you guys in 2 weeks-maybe Bailey will be potty-trained by then...but if not, no biggy. also, blake is adorable! yea for nursing 6 months!!!!! i told you, it's way easier with the 2nd one. can't wait to see you all!
Hey! HOw is the potty training going? We are going to start with Aidan at the end of this week - Aidan's last day of school. I am going to use your ideas and am curious how it has worked.
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