Sunday, December 09, 2007
A crazy few weeks
Bailey's newest thing is being obsessed with Elmo, or Nelmo, as he likes to call him. He has already begun playing with his Hokey Pokey Elmo doll, which is supposed to be a Christmas present. He found out that I had hid him in the guest room, so he would constantly go to the door, knock and whine, "Nelmo, Nelmo". I admit, I have given in a few times and let him play with it. I found a temporary replacement and it seems to help. It is a small Elmo beanie babie that goes with him most places. Tonight I was rocking Bailey and he was calling out in his sleep "Mama, Nelmo", "Mama, Nelmo" It was really cute!
We also got Bailey this Mickey Mouse stuffed animal that is as big as he is. He really loves it! He calls it "hot dog" (for any of you whose child watches the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, you are familiar with the hot dog song at the end of each episode).
Saturday, we went to brunch with Santa at the Fort Worth club. We had a great time (thanks Jim and Barbie!), but the kids were not crazy about Santa. It was pretty funny!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
18 Months!

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Trick or Treat
We went to Boo at the Zoo (a fun trick or treating event at the Fort Worth Zoo that included cool pumpkin carvings, seeing the animals and more!), a party at our church and THE MOST AMAZING Halloween carnvial you could imagine (at the Ft. Worth Club, where my in-laws are members)! The carnival had a bounce house, craft stations, picture taking, caricature drawings, snakes from the zoo, a juggler, a balloon animal maker and several children's games. Then there was the food....from funnel cakes and mini corn dogs to mac and cheese and roast beef sandwiches (and that's just to name a few)! A desert table and even better, an ice cream bar!! They even had Halloween margaritas! They also had a D.J. and a dance floor for the kids to get their groove on!
Believe it or not, we still have more parties to attend! Our social calendar hasn't been this busy since Bailey was born! I am excited that this year Bailey will be able to go trick or treating on Halloween. He is really good at knocking on doors, so I think he will have fun.

Friday, October 05, 2007
September at the Newton house
Bailey is getting cuter by the day, if I do say so myself. He is learning so much, so fast. At Sunday school they have taught him something pretty cute. They say "Bailey, show me your pretty eyes" and he bats those long eyelashes at them. He knows it's cute and really gets a kick out of it.
He has these new houseshoes that his Mimi got him that he loves to wear! He LOVES wearing shoes. Every day he bring me his shoes and says "Shoes" and sits down ready for me to put them on. He also loves trying to wear mommy and daddy's shoes. We put my tennis shoes on him the other day and he walked around in them FOREVER!
Right now we are learning about Noah and the Ark. He loves to make the animal sounds as he puts them in his toy Ark. I am not sure how much of the story he is grasping, but I figure if I keep telling it at some point things will start to sink in. At any rate, he loves playing with the Ark and the animals that go in it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
First Day of School
I know this is a short post, but I have to leave to pick up Bailey. Enjoy the pictures
Monday, August 27, 2007
I Wuv Ooh!
This weekend we went to my Dad's and took Bailey out on the lake. He really loves being on the boat. It is so calming to him. We also went to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time. Suprisingly, he was not scared of Chuck E. Me, Jay and my dad won lots of tickets playing games, so I think it was a fun evening for everyone.
Next week Bailey starts mother's day out, so I will be sure to write about how it went!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Going To School

Monday, July 16, 2007
Movin' & Groovin'
1. We celebrated the 4th of July with family
2. Bailey has become an expert walker
3. Bailey went to his friend, Aidan's birthday party
4. Two of Bailey's top molars have broken through
5. Bailey's cousins have moved into our neighborhood
On the fouth we went to the Concert in the Gardens and it was really great! My Aunt Donna took everyone. Bailey's second cousin, Nora was in town, so Bailey had another baby to hang out with. Don't they look cute?

Bailey is walking with no trouble now. He can even walk well with shoes on. I think he will be running soon because he tries to go so fast! He is really enjoying this new level of mobility! He also just got his first two molars. I am very excited about this because meat will be easier for him to eat. It takes him so long to chew meat (especially chicken) so I am hoping this will speed up the chewing process for him.
Our family went to Houston over the weekend to visit Chris, Theresa and Aidan. It was Aidan's first birthday party. It was great to see them and their new house! We really enjoyed getting to visit and watch the boys play. One of the toys Aidan got was a motorized ATV for children. Aidan was not too interested in it, but Bailey thought it was the BEST thing EVER!

Sunday, July 01, 2007
Our Beach Vacation
The kids had a great time too! Andrew was scared of the ocean, but loved the sand. Bailey did not like the sand at first, but quickly warmed up to it. He was very cautious of the ocean at first, but ended up enjoying it. Both boys LOVED the pool and Ava was unaware of both:)
Bailey is walking like crazy now. He has been for a few weeks. He will revert back to crawling when speed is his main concern! Enjoy the slideshow!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
First Haircut

He was extreemly well behaved during his haicut. He sat very still and quiet and enjoyed looking at himself in the mirror. He looks like a "real" boy now. He had SO much hair cut off his little head.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
We're Walking...Sort of
Monday, May 14, 2007
Birthday Boy

He even fell asleep while eating it. But that didn't stop him! He was literally eating in his sleep. It was very cute!
We had a geat mother's day too. Bailey was such a sweetie all weekend!Our friends came down form Houston for Bailey's party and he had fun playing with their little boy. Enjoy the slideshow.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
My kid eats poop!
Bailey is doing great! He is not yet walking by himself, but loves to do it if I am guiding him. He has also begun to stand alone for a few seconds at a time. He has added another word to his vocabulary. "Bye-Bye" Accompanied with a wave. Any time we go into the garage he waves and says "bye-bye".
Unfortunately, Bailey has had some wheezing problems. He has had to use a nebulizer twice since December. We are monitoring it closely and hoping it's not asthma, but will be a while before we know that.
The next time I post, Bailey will be 1 year! His birthday is Friday, the 11th. The past year has gone by so quickly, I can't even describe it! It has been a wonderful year, the best year of my life! Bailey is such an amazing blessing and I am so fortunate to be a SAHM.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Last week he got pink eye for the first time. It was not fun! He didn't feel bad, but did not like having his eyes cleaned! Unfortunately, a gross nose came along with it. Below is a picture of him right after he woke up. You can tell his little eye is matted shut. I couldn't resist!

We also went to Bailey's great granddad's brithday party.It was at Jay's parents farm, so it was very relaxing! I got some pictures of him with his cousins and swinging, which he loves! The biggest news of all is that our little niece, Ava Grace was born on Friday. She is so beautiful!! She's so tiny and sweet! My sister-in-law, Julie, is doing great and they are already back at home.
(The slide show moves kind of slow, click the plus sign on the bottom left to speed it up).Friday, April 13, 2007
Play Dates
Some of you have asked about Bailey's Easter pictures. Somehow, I managned NOT to get any pictures of Bailey in his Easter outfit, but did get a few after he changed clothes. Oops!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I Survived!
On the Bailey front, everything is going great! He is growing so fast and getting into everything! We are having so much fun. We have joined a mom's group and really like it and are planning on joining a play group through our church. That would make 2 play groups, music class and CCM (caring christian mothers). We are staying busy and I love getting Bailey together with other children and I enjoy getting to spend time with other mothers. It is so fun for Bailey and I to get to do these things together. I want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can. Time is going by way too fast!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Pajama Day
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Prayers Needed
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Good Friends

Friday, February 23, 2007
Hickery Dickery Dock

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how grateful I am to have Bailey and how blessed we are that he is healthy. I have been reading some other blogs, ones I have found through friends. I have been reading some updates on some sick babies. One was just diagnosed with cancer, one is having seizures, and one past away recently. As a mother, I cannot imagine experiencing any of these things. It is such a good reminder of how much I have to be thankful for. As I am typing this, I am watching Bailey pull the soil out of my plant and onto the floor and I am so glad that he is able to do that! Even though he is making a huge mess and will most definitely throw a fit when I make him stop, I am so grateful that he is healthy enough to destroy my house! So, everyone who has a healthy child, please take a moment to thank God!
Bailey is doing wonderfully! Here is a list of his latest accomplishments:
- His second tooth has broken through
- He is nearing the end of "his crying through the night" phase
- He had spaghetti for the first time last night and LOVED it!
- He had a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and loved it as well!
- Squash is still his favorite vegetable (he can't get enough) and still loves anything banana
- His hair is long enough to comb (into a style) everyday
- He is cautiously starting to cruise
- Fearlessly still pulling up on everything in sight!
- He "only wants his mommy"...poor Jay, it's breaking his heart!